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1 / Cyber-Security/Physical Convergence Communications Exercise

The exercise is planned for first responders, state and federal agencies, and emergency response communications technology providers.


2 / Nationally Significant Sporting Event

  • Large, nationally significant event with US officials/dignitaries (NSSE)​

    • Superbowl or major college game (TAMU vs. UT!)​

    • 100,000+ people in attendance; n*100K in surrounding area​

    • NSSE classification means federal assets are present (ATF, FBI, …)​

  • Initial cyber-attack (perhaps low difficulty)​

    • Stops/derails a train transiting near the stadium, blocking multiple intersections​.

    • Creates difficulty in responding to …​

  • Terrorist bombing attacks with HazMat​

    • Bombing of nearby railway causes HazMat spill, toxic plume. ​

    • Bombing of sports venue causes partial collapse, SAR issue, comms impairment​.

  • Perpetrators (and possibly drones) seen fleeing the area Northbound​.


3 / Objectives

Assess information sharing capabilities between federal, state, local, government departments and agencies in accordance with applicable plans and procedures.


Demonstrate the ability of participating agencies to establish interoperable communications during a multi-jurisdictional event. Identify connectivity requirements for an incident command system.



1 / Mission Critical Push-to-Talk

Priority and pre-emption for first responders

Gateway:  FirstNet, Verizon, T-Mobile, P25 radios​

Shared talk groups for any-to-any comms​

Sidelink:  device to device mesh, with relay to network​

Like direct/talkaround in P25, but with cell phones!​


2 / Digital Twin/IoT for First Responders

·       Virtual 3D model of Disaster City​

·       Movable, zoomable COP of responders, assets, IoT sensors

·       RF Coverage Modeling​

·       EOC can provide guidance of where to set up backup cell               site, radios, 

·       IoT Sensor Integration​

·       Variety of sensors through scene​

·       Two-way integration with TAK​

·       People icons in TAK appear as people in 3D model​

·       Sensors in 3D model appear as icons in TAK​


3 / Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

·       Planned missions​

·       Post incident mapping > layer in TAK​

·       3D digital twin of Disaster City​

·       Tethered drone supporting Verizon Femto cell​

·       Search for suspects​

·       Counter UAS:  detection​


4 / Identity Credentialing and Access Management (ICAM)

·       FTI PIV-I cards to verify access to secure locations:  incident scene, EOC


5 / Next Generation 9-1-1 to PSBN

·       Full ESInet with Next Gen Core Services

·       NG9-1-1 Call Handling workstations

·       Multi-media calls:  voice, text and video!

·       Bridge call from reporting person to first responder


6 / Situational Awareness / Common Operating Picture (SA/COP) 

·       Team Awareness Kit (TAK) for first responders, ICP, EOC

·       Multi-agency federated TAK servers

·       WebEOC and the STAR process


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